
Moving On Up

Saturday, February 8, 2020

It's been a long time since I've been here, that's because I've been working on some major things! My last post revealed that I was gifted a tool to help me follow my dream - a MacBook. Well, I most certainly have followed it... I am now live on YouTube!
Here is my channel!
If you've enjoyed my blog, you will love my channel! It's still just going to be me, being real and honest, and creating things I like. Basically my blog, but in a more liquid state?
I just want to get raw here...
I created this blog during a time where I was feeling a bit lonely and uncertain, I was raising children in Seattle where I knew not even a handful of people, I wasn't crazy about the weather and our neighborhood, and I had a lot of sunshine inside of me but didn't experience much outside.
It can be lonely staying home, and even lonlier not having many of 'your people' around, so in desperation to have an outlet where I can feel like 'here's my place, here's my people'... I created this place. This thing where I can create stories and tutorials and fill the spaces with happiness and sunshine. And I did. And you guys liked it! I can see the analytics and they amazed me. Just watching my blog grow and grow, I knew maybe I was being heard, maybe my little bubble here was pretty neat to other people too! Thank you to everyone who stopped by, who left comments, who send me messages, you guys made my heart swoon and gave me a sense of belonging.
I am not done, I am just going to work in a new space with new tools, but I'll still be pumping out the same Adrienne-isms that you guys have supported all along.
Thank you for encouraging me to keep going, thank you for making me feel like no matter what the outside world was doing, I had a place that I could go. Here.
I love you all, now head to my YouTube channel and subscribe so we never part <3

MacBook Pro Under The Tree

Friday, December 27, 2019

I remember when I was a little girl, my Dad was really fascinated by the sweep of technology that was occurring, the beginning of the Age of Technology. He tried to keep up with the latest PC and software, and I found myself enthralled by it all, too. I knew Windows ’97 like the back of my hand, I would spend hours on the computer learning the system. In middle school, I was using HTML to design my AOL Homepage, this was way back in the 90’s when not many people knew how to code. 
In high school I took Graphic Arts class, where we were allowed to work on a Macintosh, it was like exploring another world, a whole new planet to learn, and eventually I could skillfully use a Mac. 
Fast forward to adulthood, it wasn’t at all surprising that I fell in love with a tech nerd, we both love geeking out on electronics, and still do actually. 
Over the years, motherhood became my priority, and I settled nicely with a Chromebook to do my online tasks, but after launching this blog and seeing its traffic take off over the last year, I decided I wanted to switch platforms and begin creating Youtube videos. The online video editors were just not working for me, but my dream of creating YouTube content persisted, and on Christmas morning, my husband had a 16” MacBook Pro with Final Cut Pro + under the tree for me.
Opening this MacBook, my first real Apple product, was intimidating, but the fiery passion within me that wants to create is so much louder than that… and after a mere 24 hours with my new device, I have fallen in love with computers all over again. I love my MacBook, I love that my husband believes in me so much that he invested this heavily into my dreams, and I love that I am taking on a new journey at age 34. Never settle, never give up on your passions, never think you can’t change direction as an adult… nothing is permanent, let the fire inside your heart lead you and you will go far.

First Day of Preschool!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

So in the past couple of months or so, Ava has expressed great interest in other kids, anytime I take her to the park she is a little chatterbox and wants to play with other kiddos, and although I can nurture her and love her at home, one thing I cannot do is provide a social environment, and toddlers thrive on being social, they learn so much! So I played around with the idea of enrolling her in a preschool, my heart wanted to hang on, but after a lot of thought and wrestling with the idea, I knew a few hours a week of social time would be so beneficial for her. I went on a journey of finding the perfect preschool, scoured reviews and toured the facility, and eventually I enrolled her.
Here she is on her first day of preschool, with her sweet bunny backpack that SHE picked out!

Stepping Stone Apartment

Monday, September 23, 2019

We are settling into our new life here in Texas, and have so much going on right now! Our month-long hotel "vacation" has now transitioned into a 7-month lease at an apartment, I certainly never thought we'd be living in an apartment again, but it's a stepping stone to get us to the final destination-- WE'RE BUILDING A NEW HOUSE!!! Speaking of, we've officially completed all of the design appointments for our new house, and get this, the foundation has already started!

What a gloriously gorgeous view we have. I am just in LOVE.
In the meantime, school has begun and both the girls are busy with school & activities... aka, so am I!
Delilah had begun 3rd grade, which blows my mind that she's already a 3rd grader!
Her teacher is absolutely phenomenal and so is her school, there is such a strong, tight-knit wholesome community feel that her Washington schools were lacking. All the kids walk to school, the PTA is outstanding, the Moms are supportive and involved, the schools are run like a well-oiled machine, it's an American dream... how fortunate we are to send our kids to some of Austin's best schools. We actually chose our neighborhood based on school ratings, and when we saw the ratings for her school, I was determined to buy there!
Delilah also started Spanish this week as an extracurricular activity, she loves it very mucho! I took 2 semesters of Spanish in high school and can still converse a bit, so we are practicing together and it's honestly so fun, we laugh and giggle as we try to navigate through a new language with one another. I wanted to "push" her to get involved in sports or team activities, but Ryan suggested we let her do what she feels passionate about, and I couldn't agree more-- I've never seen my daughter this happy before. She loves living near family, she loves her new school, and she's getting to do the activities that SHE chose.
(Excuse the crazy looking shirt, she was wearing a top with the name of her school and I didn't want that published online. Obviously I'm amazing at photo-editing!)
Little Ms.Ava has been busy, too! We are focusing on colors, shapes, and common words these days, as well as plenty of fun playtime... and swim-time! Oh, did I mention our temporary apartment has not one, but TWO swimming pools? Uhhh yeah, we've doing a whole lotta that!
 She's also a little firecracker in gymnastics class, this girl is going places!
I have really been focusing on being the most present and "in the moment" Mom I can possibly be. I have tried to plan activities from the moment our day starts until we both need an afternoon break, and then when Ryan gets home, we resume with family activities. I absolutely love our lifestyle here in Texas, the weather makes it so easy to get outside and have fun! Walks, swimming playgrounds, evening strolls, morning jogs, splash pads... not the mention there are sidewalks and trails everywhere! I can literally pack my jogging stroller with snacks & drinks and set off and explore for hours! That is one major thing I couldn't stand in Seattle-- we were kind of locked indoors. Our neighborhood had no sidewalks, our road had no sidewalks, and if I packed the stroller into the car and drove somewhere, it was pretty yuck weather about 90% of the year. Just, no. Nope. Can't do it. I am SO in love with Texas, ya'll!

New Chapter, page 1

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Hello, from a hotel room that we've booked for a whopping 30 days! Life is complete chaos right now. And let me tell you, having 'elite status' in a hotel with a gym, both an indoor and outdoor pool, free breakfast AND dinner, access to a special VIP ONLY lounge, AND daily maid service... I am living for this.
Not only have we began settling into our new home of Austin Texas, we have chosen land to build a house on!
This is us at street level on nearly an acre of land with huge Oak trees... what you can't see behind us is a view as far as the eye can see, up until the sky meets the Earth.
Now, imagine a 12 foot slab of foundation and TWO floors of house on top of that... then imagine that view.
Basically, we hit the jackpot finding our dream home!
So we have been tediously designing, redesigning, and redesigning again the home we will raise our children in. How much square footage do we need after living in a 2500sqft home? We opted for TWICE as much. Yes, I'm completely insane and will be needing a maid. I have to say, as fun as it is to design a house, it is a tad overwhelming because you need to choose one you'll love now with kids, and also 20 years from now. After cleaning the slating over and over, we narrowed down our selection...
And as of yesterday- we have a floor-plan!
This upcoming Saturday, Ryan & I will go to a home design studio where we'll choose the little fun details... like back-splash, tile, counter-tops, and flooring. Needless to say, I've been Pinterest'ing like a Mom who just realized tomorrow is her kid's class party and she signed up to make a snack!
Should I go with white cabinets & black granite? Gray cabinets & marble? White cabinets & gray granite with contrasting back-splash? So many options!
This is all new to us, we have never built a home before and so each step is a brand new experience for us... and boy have we learned a lot! What a difference it makes to actually walk into a house and see the floor plan, versus trying to imagine it via blue prints. Had there not been a similar home previously built that I could tour, I would not have chosen the floor plan I chose... and let me tell you, it's a showstopper! I cannot wait to share it with you guys!
My master plan was to create a YouTube channel as we did this, but I have to say-- with an 8 year old, a toddler, 90% of my belongings in storage, and a complete whirlwind of deadlines and contracts and appointments... I don't think it's plausible for me to start a channel during all of this. Momma is a mess.
We have a hotel room until mid-August, then we are moving into an apartment by Delilah's school until the house is ready, which will be right around the time of my birthday! Happy Birthday to me!
Although this is only a few short paragraphs about our journey, realistically, this process was extremely in depth and took a tremendous amount of research and time to get to this point.
I first did intense research on the areas of Austin that I'd like to live, it was important to me that I'm proud of where I live. I chose a highly-desirable, and highly reputable community with an upstanding reputation, top-notch schools, and plenty of amenities. The neighborhood I chose includes homes from one of the most sought-after builders in Texas, and has just an overall 'charming wow-factor' with big beautiful homes in a clean and safe area. The neighborhood not only has a wooded communal area with a playground, but it has a park across the street with a creekside trail that goes on for miles, plus sidewalks, gazebos, and tons of kids. It's so important to do your research before building, get out on foot, talk to people, walk around, ask questions... your home is not only going to be your 'safe place', where you can rest and relax in privacy, but it's also an investment. Do your homework!
We have so much to do in the next upcoming weeks, but it's all fun stuff! I mean, isn't most color-picking and carpet-choosing the best part? You guys, of all people, know how much I am loving this part of the process.
Cheers to our new home, our new chapter, a fresh start, great neighbors, great childhoods, a wholesome household, and the new life!

Dainty Plant + Floral Minimalist Tattoos

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

So last April, I flew to Los Angeles and got a minimalist palm tree tattoo...
Small Dainty Minimalist Tattoo Ideas Inspo Palm Tree california

It totally unleashed that 'tattoo fever' feeling, where you just need another.
I am seriously considering getting something else in the plant family, maybe something soft and feminine. As I flip through ideas, I thought I'd share some of my favorites. 

Turn Your Headband Bows Into Clip-On Bows

Monday, August 26, 2019

Hey Mamas! This is a follow-up from my last post when I told you how to organize all your baby bows.
So, there's this phase of being a girl Mom where you become totally obsessed with bows, and then those precious newborns begin growing, leaving you stuck with all these tiny headbands that are too tight on that noggin'! So I came up with a solution to transform those adorable headbands into clip-on bows, so she can still wear her bows for years to come.
How To Turn Nylon Headband Bows Into Clip In On Bows Tutorial little poppy baby newborn girl
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